Care Home Negligence Claims

There is no doubt that many frontline workers, including staff within Care Homes, have shown an admirable level of commitment throughout this pandemic and have gone ‘above and beyond’ to support and look after those within their care.

That said, it has also been widely reported that Care Homes have found themselves to be in somewhat of a crisis throughout the pandemic and this has resulted in a significant number of deaths amongst both carers and residents. Lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and lack of testing is known to have been an issue and the very nature of the care being administered, in conjunction with the wide and complex health conditions within the Care Home population, means that adherence to strict social distancing guidelines has been difficult to establish and maintain.

True figures for the number of Coronavirus- related deaths within Care Homes are as yet unknown but there have undoubtedly been individuals who have suffered or lost their lives as a result of the virus entering and spreading within their living (or indeed working) environment. Sadly, due to the restricted access to the homes, loved ones have not been allowed to visit and therefore have felt excluded at the time when they may have been needed most.

Examples where Coronavirus negligence in Care Homes claims may apply

When we are considering cases of Coronavirus negligence in Care Homes, this applies to those living there or visiting and those who are employed in some capacity within the premises, therefore it may be:

Staff  – Including doctors, nurses, cleaners, managers, general and administrative staff
Visitors  – Including members of the general public



How do I know if I have a claim?

Claims relating to Care Homes need to be thoroughly investigated to establish if negligence was the root cause of any significant injury or loss of life. This includes establishing what procedures and policies which were put in place to protect those working and living within the facility, the PPE and other safety measures which were put in place to prevent transmission and spread of the virus and the implementation of testing and isolation to ensure that anyone infected was not in a position to pass it to others.

With information gathered by our specialised team we will be able to establish if your loved one was the victim of negligence, whether the Care Home has a case to answer and therefore whether you are indeed entitled to compensation.

In an entirely professional and sensitive manner, we will support you in your search for answers and acceptance of liability from the Care Home where your loved one should have been safe and secure.

Get in touch or make a claim by phoning: 0845 838 7089 or by filling out the form below:

4 + 12 =

Making a Claim

How do I make a claim?

We always advise our clients to speak to us at the earliest opportunity. The sooner we speak, the easier it will be to capture all the relevant details of your case and start working towards receiving the compensation you deserve.

An initial free consultation with the BRM Legal team will provide you with all the information you need to consider your claim. 

As well as confirming whether you and your loved ones have been the victims of Coronavirus Care Home negligence, we can also give you an indication of the kind of compensation payment you may be entitled to.

What will it cost to pursue my claim?

We understand that the current financial situation for many has already stretched resources to the limits. For this reason BRM Legal are happy to take on your case on a No Win No Fee basis which means that you will incur no costs unless your claim is successful*.

Even when you win your case, the majority of your legal expenses will be paid by the other side and any other costs will simply be deducted from your total compensation amount.

*Please note: This is subject to a No Win No Fee agreement having been signed with us (in conjunction with our insurers) and the terms of that agreement having been met by both parties.

How long do I have to make a claim?

The general rule relating to Care Home negligence is that a claim must be made within a period of 3 years. Current restrictions in many areas however mean that a case can take longer to construct than usual, so we advise that you initiate the process as soon as you feel able to.

How long will it take to receive compensation?

This depends on the individual circumstances of the negligence and whether liability is accepted by the Care Home in question. Whilst we will try to expedite your claim, we also need to ensure that we consider every aspect of your future needs in the final sum.

Our expert team will, of course, keep you updated throughout the process to tell you how your case is progressing and what the likely compensation figure might be.

Why should I choose BRM Legal?


At BRM Legal we understand the trauma and emotions which can surround a case of negligence. Whilst COVID-19 may be a new virus which we are only now coming to terms with, the effect which it has on those left behind when a loved one dies is still incredibly traumatic. 

Due to the restricted access to Care Homes it may even be that you felt you were denied the opportunity to be there when it mattered to you, and to grieve when you needed to. We don’t solely concentrate on your loss; we consider everything that the situation has put you through and how it is likely to change your future.

Care Home Negligence Claims

We have a huge amount of experience in the field of negligence and can offer you valuable, personalised support whilst we fight hard for the compensation you deserve. Whilst no two cases are ever the same, we certainly recognise when duty of care has been neglected or where adequate protection has not been offered.

We know that a negligence claim is not something which you would enter into lightly. Reassuringly, our professionalism ensures that we fight your case armed with knowledge and facts, with the ultimate intention to address genuine wrong-doing.

Focussed On Your Needs

What should I do now?

If you think that your loved one was affected or has died at work as a result of Coronavirus negligence in a Care Home then contact us today. Our friendly, approachable team will listen and will talk you through your options in an entirely free consultation.

You can then choose to proceed however you wish, there’s no cost to you and no pressure from us.

If you need our services or simply need help & advice, call us now on:
0845 838 7089

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