Accidents at Work

The workplace is somewhere you spend a significant proportion of your time.

Regardless of the job you do, you should be able to expect to be safe whilst in your place of work and have everything you need carry out your role without putting yourself or your colleagues at risk.

Sadly, this is not always the case, and life-changing Accidents at Work can occur, including:

• Slips and trips
• Falls from height
• Burns, scars and lacerations
• Head injury (e.g. from the impact of falling objects)
• Back injury (e.g. resulting from manual handling)
• Machinery/ equipment injuries

Injuries caused by Accidents at Work can vary significantly from minor symptoms (causing a few days of discomfort) to traumatic injuries such as spinal damage, head trauma, amputation or even fatality.

Accidents at Work

As well as the physical injuries themselves, there is often a great deal of stress associated with Accidents at Work and also sometimes a degree of doubt as to what can be covered by a claim. With a huge amount of experience in this area we can advise you on what you can do to improve your immediate situation without any financial risk, and pursue the compensation you deserve.

There are of course some activities which involve a higher degree of risk...

But even here, with appropriate measures and precautions in place, employee safety should be guaranteed. For example:

Working with extreme temperature, chemicals, electrical equipment or machinery – these can present a higher risk of injury, burns and lacerations. As well as lifelong scarring, this kind of injury can result in long-term psychological damage and is therefore of serious concern.

Situations where working from height is necessary – wherever possible, work should be undertaken at ground level but in some roles and within specific industries, this is not always possible. Additional risk is introduced when employees have to work on ladders, scaffolding, cranes or lifts such as cherry pickers but, when unavoidable, it is essential that additional and robust safety measures are put in place

Get in touch or make a claim by phoning: 0121 368 2885 or by filling out the form below:

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Your employer’s responsibilities

Employers have a legal duty of care to ensure that you are safe whilst at work. Their responsibilities include:

• Provision of a safe working space
• Adequate maintenance and care of any equipment to be used
• Provision and regular updating of job-specific and general workplace training
• Provision of suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Undertaking and regular updating of Risk Assessments
• Management of activities to minimise risks wherever possible

If your Accident at Work has happened as a result of your employer’s failure in any of the above areas, or that Health & Safety procedures were not being followed, then you most likely have a very valid claim for compensation.

What if the accident was your fault?

Even if you think you may be to blame for the accident it is worth speaking to the experts at BRM Legal. There is a chance that the accident was made worse by environmental factors, by faulty machinery or through insufficient protection being supplied to you. One call to us will establish if your claim is likely to be successful and can set you on your way to recovery.

Making a Claim

How do I make a claim?

Simply by contacting us at the first opportunity. The earlier we speak, the easier it is to capture all the details of your case and start working towards receiving your compensation.

In our initial free consultation we will provide you with all the information you need to pursue your claim and will explain to you how you can proceed on a NO WIN NO FEE basis*.

Where liability has been admitted by your employer, we will request interim payments to help with any immediate costs you are incurring (e.g. medical costs, extra childcare, rehabilitation, travel to appointments etc.). These payments are intended to ease the financial pressure on you at the present time and will be deducted from your final compensation sum.

As well as confirming the validity of your claim in our initial, no-obligation call, we can also give you an indication of the kind of compensation payment you may be likely to receive.

What will it cost to pursue my claim?

At BRM Legal we understand that you may already have been left out of pocket through having to pay various expenses. For this reason we are happy to take on your case on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that you will incur no costs unless your claim is successful*.

Even when you win your case, the majority of your legal expenses will be paid by the other side and any other costs will simply be deducted from your total compensation amount.

*Please note: This is subject to a No Win No Fee agreement having been signed with us (in conjunction with our insurers) and the terms of that agreement having been met by both parties.

How long do I have to make a claim?

The general rule is that a claim must be made within 3 years of the Accident at Work. In the case of a fatality, the family has three years from the death or from receipt of the post-mortem results.

There are also a few other exceptions to the 3 year rule which are as follows:

• Those with impaired mental capacity and are unable to make their own claim have an unlimited time to do so
• Children can have a claim made upon their behalf any time up until their 21st Birthday for any injury which occurred before they were 18 years old
• Where defective equipment is involved, the claim must be submitted within 10 years of the faulty product going into circulation

In cases where the accident occurred abroad, there may be a shorter period within which you need to submit your claim (depending on local laws) and our experts can offer guidance on this.

How long will it take to receive compensation?

This depends on the individual circumstances of the Accident in question and whether the employer has admitted liability. The severity of your injury and your on-going recovery and rehabilitation needs will also be a factor in the time taken to reach a settlement as at BRM Legal we want to ensure that we include every aspect of your future needs in the final sum, including your on-going rehabilitation and your total loss of earnings.

Our dedicated team will keep you updated throughout the process and tell you exactly how your case is progressing and what the likely final compensation figure might be.

How long will it take to receive compensation?

This depends on the individual circumstances of the Accident in question and whether the employer has admitted liability. The severity of your injury and your on-going recovery and rehabilitation needs will also be a factor in the time taken to reach a settlement as at BRM Legal we want to ensure that we include every aspect of your future needs in the final sum, including your on-going rehabilitation and your total loss of earnings.

Our dedicated team will keep you updated throughout the process and tell you exactly how your case is progressing and what the likely final compensation figure might be.

Why should I choose BRM Legal?


At BRM we understand the trauma and distress which can result from an Accident at Work. We don’t solely concentrate on the injury caused; we make sure that we consider everything you may be going through. As well as fighting hard for the compensation you deserve, our compassionate team will offer you valuable, personalised support and will assist you in addressing your day-to-day needs, for example, in organising home adaptations, alternative transport, rehabilitation etc.

Accidents at Work

Our team have a huge amount of experience in dealing with Accidents at Work and, whilst no two cases are ever the same, we have most probably already been involved in a case like your own and certainly recognise when compensation is deserved.

We know that an Accident Claim is not something which anyone enters into lightly, especially when linked to future employment, and our professionalism ensures that we fight your case armed with knowledge and facts. We do not simply play on emotions; we are addressing genuine wrong-doing.

Focussed On Your Needs

What should I do now?

If you think that you have been injured a result of your employer’s negligence, carelessness or lack of compliance then contact us today. Our friendly, approachable team will listen to your story and will talk you through your options in an entirely free consultation – including your right to pursue your claim on a NO WIN NO FEE basis*.

You can then choose to proceed however you wish, there’s no cost to you and no pressure from us.

If you need our services or simply need help & advice, call us now on:
0121 368 2885

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